Support & Training


Troughout the years of breeding different species Topaal has gained a lot of knowledge in the techniques of fish farming and filter systems. Claresse Visverwerking has the knowledge and experience in the processing and packaging of fish.

This makes us able to design complete farms and processing lines. Also we can give training about farming and processing.


A good system is important for the quality of the fish. Also the labor and energy are important points. To keep those two points as low as possible and the quality as high as possible a high quality system is required.

Important points:

Quality of the fish

There are a lot of different species of fish that each has its own characteristics. The goal is to make it as comfortable and natural as possible for the fish. A system adapted for the species will result in a good feed conversion and in the quality of the fish meat. An alarmsystem on several parameters gives a guarantee of quality.

Water and energy consumption

Water and energy are both expensive factors. That’s why we want to use as little as possible. By having a watercirculation which minimize the use of pumps, the energy consumption is minimized and the farm is maintenance-friendlier.


Labor in Europe is relatively expensive. Therefore much attention is paid to systems that reduce this labor. Think of automatic feeding systems, data storage and alarms.

Water recirculation & filtering

A water treatment is essential in order to refresh and to separate the fertilizer. With good water filters is refreshment minimal and you can use the clean warm water back in the farm. By means of the correct systems the fertilizer can turn into solid which can be used in gardening.


We process the fish our self because of that we have experience in processinglines and hygiene concepts. We work with HACCP and BRC on daily basis.

We look with you for solutions of processes and designing a processing line. You can also contact us for advice and solutions to an existing line.

For second hand machinery and equipment, you can look at our sales page.


We can give training about farming and multiplying fish and everything that comes with it. For more information please contact us.